360 Carla Partners

The 360 CARLA consortium is composed by 12 institutions relevant in the photonics ecosystem from 11 countries.

The concept behind 360 CARLA grew based on the feedback and learnings gained during the initial CARLA project. The consortium brings together leading institutions in photonics with vast experience in the organization of outreach and training activities directed to different audiences. Each partner of the consortium has specific contributions to the project in reaching together the different objectives of the project.

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The Institute of Photonic Sciences – ICFO


Located in the Mediterranean Technology Park in the metropolitan area of Barcelona, ICFO was founded in 2002 and currently hosts more than 450 highly international people organized in 26 research teams who use 80 state-of-the-art research laboratories equipped with the latest experimental facilities for fabrication, characterization and engineering. Thanks to an outstanding philanthropic donation by Foundation Mir-Puig a new addition to the building took place in 2019. ICFOnians have secured many international awards and research grants, including 48 European Research Council grants to date. The institute is also proactive in fostering entrepreneurial activities, spin-off creation, and creating collaborations and links between industry and ICFO researchers.

Central to ICFO’s mission is the training of the next generation of scientists and technologists. Over 300 PhD students have defended their theses here and hundreds of students have participated in research stays, all joining an active alumni network that connects them to current and former colleagues, the institute, and its industrial partners. The academic program management and the alumni network teamed up to provide career orientation through an Alumni Seminar Series and an annual Beyond ICFO career event.

ICFO is also known for its outreach activities in the field of photonics at the European level with active and leading roles in projects such as GoPhoton!, LIGHT2015 and PHABLABS 4.0 as well as the Quantum and Graphene Flagships initiatives.

Within 360 CARLA, ICFO leads Work Package 1 “360 CARLA career development programs” and 6 “Dissemination, management and coordination”. ICFO also leads the Quantum Technologies and Communications vertical and will be responsible for creating the 360 Career Development programs. ICFO will be implementing symposia, trainings, and experiences within the “Quantum Technologies and Communications” and the “Energy, Environment and Sustainability verticals” and one experience within the “Health: Biotech and Medical Photonics” vertical, in Barcelona.

PA – Photonics Austria

PA – Photonics Austria

PHOTONICS AUSTRIA was established in November 2013 at the initiative of the Austrian ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology. Photonics Austria’s 42 members and network include most relevant Austrian stakeholders with the emphasis on photonics spanning the sectors of University, RTO, Industry, the ministry and intermediaries like the Austrian research funding organization.

Its main task is the advancement of Austrian industry, science and training in the field of Photonics. Moreover, Photonics Austria ensures the development of national and international research strategies and programs, pushes the crosslinking with European activities and aims to establish networking and cooperation between business, research and training in the field of Photonics. The link with the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology opens up the possibility to participate in the development of the national research funding programs and therefore to strengthen the input of the national photonics industry.

Photonics Austria has also established innovation networks, which facilitate the necessary exchange to discuss innovative ideas amongst members for specific thematic focal points, which are of high importance to Photonics Austria. The current networks cover mainly the topics “education” and “Austrian Laser Production Innovation Network”. Amongst members of Photonics Austria there is an agreement that outreach to all members of society in regards to photonics is important since the relevance of Photonics for the future development of Austrian Industry, business and science is not appropriately communicated and fully understood yet.

Photonics Austria is regularly organizing different events in Austria. Besides workshops and meetings regarding EU projects, Photonics Austria holds workshops aiming to inform and train its members in various fields around the theme photonics.

Within 360 CARLA, Photonics Austria will use its international network to involve industry and businesses in the project, coordinating the “Manufacturing/Industry 4.0” vertical and will lead the Work Package 4 “Market Focused 360 CARLA experiences and mentorship”. PA will organize a symposium, training, and experience within the “Manufacturing/Industry 4.0” vertical, training in the “Quantum Technologies and communications” vertical and experiences in “Health: Biotech and Medical photonics” and “Energy, Environment and Sustainability” verticals, in different cities in Austria.

MBI – Max-Born-Institut für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie

MBI – Max-Born-Institut für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie

The Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (FVB) represents eight research institutes in the fields of natural sciences, life sciences and environmental sciences, which pursue common goals within the framework of a single legal entity. The institutes are jointly funded by the German federal and state governments and belong to the Leibniz-Association. About 1.900 employees, undergraduate and graduate students as well as visiting scientists work within FVB.

The Max-Born-Institut für Nichtlineare Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie (MBI) is one of the leading institutes in ultrafast science and light-matter interaction. It conducts basic research in the field of nonlinear optics and ultrafast dynamics arising from the interaction of light with matter, and pursues applications that emerge from this research. MBI is an integral part of the international scientific community and it is involved in a large number of cooperative research projects with universities, other research institutions and industrial partners.

The Ferdinand-Braun-Institut, Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik (FBH) explores cutting edge technologies for innovative applications in the fields of microwaves and optoelectronics. As a center of competence for III-V compound semiconductors, the institute is part of a worldwide network and achieves research results advancing the international state-of-the-art.

Both MBI and FBH are located in Europe’s largest science and technology park in Berlin-Adlershof and are closely linked to the Photonics Cluster in the region Berlin Brandenburg, consisting of 400 technology companies, 10 universities and 26 research institutions, with a total of around 16.600 employees.

Optec-Berlin-Brandenburg (OpTecBB) e.V. is the regional competence network or innovation cluster for photonics and microsystems technologies in the German Capital Region of Berlin Brandenburg, counting 115 institutional members. OpTecBB organizes technology oriented events for the photonics community and is co-organizer of the career event “Working in Photonics in Berlin”. OpTecBB is part of the German meta-regional photonics network OptecNet Germany and member of the European Photonics Industry consortium (EPIC).

Within 360 CARLA, MBI will organize a symposium, training and experience within the “Quantum Technologies and communications” vertical and trainings in “Energy, Environment and Sustainability” and “Manufacturing/Industry 4.0” verticals, in Berlin.

POLIMI – Politecnico di Milano

POLIMI – Politecnico di Milano

Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) is a state scientific-technological university, which trains engineers, architects and industrial designers. Currently more than 1,300 professors and researchers work at University and 42,000 students study in 7 different campuses. POLIMI is organized in 12 Departments.

The Physics Department has a deep and long-term expertise in optics and photonics-based knowledge in terms of both teaching and research activity. In fact, it provides a course of study in Engineering Physics (divided into 3 levels: bachelor of science, master of science, PhD) with the aim of training engineers in the development of modern technologies in the physical, optical and photonics-based fields. Further, it carries out top-level experimental and theoretical scientific research in the field of Photonics, Optics and Matter Physics.

Within it, the photonics for health food and cultural heritage research group conducts cutting-edge research and training (for bachelor, master and PhD students) on the development and application of photonics-based spectroscopy and imaging methods for high-impact applications such as cancer diagnosis, molecular biology, food analysis and heritage science. The results achieved at the research level have also enabled the transfer of the technological innovation to hospital, clinical and museum environments.

Within 360 CARLA, POLIMI will co-lead the “Energy, Environment and Sustainability” vertical and will organize a symposium, training, and experience within it, in Milan.

Institut d’Optique Graduate School (IOGS)

Institut d’Optique Graduate School (IOGS)

Institut d’Optique Graduate School (IOGS), also known under its legal name Institut d’Optique Théorique et Appliquée (IOTA), is an institution of higher education and research of public utility. It is placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and Research.

Within IOGS (www.institutoptique.fr) three cultures mix and enrich each other: Education, represented in particular by a large engineering school, a corporate environment by its entrepreneurial center, and research with three internationally renowned research laboratories in optics Laboratoire Charles Fabry, Laboratoire Hubert Curien, Laboratoire Photonique Numérique et Nanosciences. IOGS maintains very strong links to several learned societies. The French Optical Society, the European Optical Society and the International Commission for Optics have their registered office at IOGS. Many members of IOGS are also members of other learned societies, and PhD students are members of student chapters of OSA, SFO/EOS, SPIE and EPS both in Palaiseau and in Bordeaux. These chapters regularly organize activities for PhD students.

This strategic position gives the Institute credibility and strengths to explore the richness of the many aspects of light and photonics. IOGS operates on 3 campuses in France: Paris-Saclay, Saint-Etienne and Bordeaux.

Within 360 CARLA, IOGS will organize a symposium, training and experience within the “Quantum Technologies and communications” vertical at its Paris-Saclay campus.


ICL – The International Laser Centre

The Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information, International Laser Centre (SCSTI - ILC) is a subsidiary organization of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic. The institution was established in 1938 as the Slovak technical library and since its establishment has belonged to pioneers in new library and information services implementation. The SCSTI is the national information centre for science, technology, innovation and education and specialized scientific library of the Slovak Republic. It coordinates activities and ensures the operation of interdisciplinary R&D centers and national infrastructures for research, development, innovation, and education. Is the host institution of the National Contact Points for HORIZON 2020 and ensures operation of the Slovak Liaison Office for R&D in Brussels. ILC is an organizational unit within SCSTI. ILC, a member of Laserlab Europe is the national platform for education, cutting-edge research, and development in the field of lasers and photonics in Slovakia.

The ILC’s laboratories, including those specializing in information technology, laser micro-technologies, materials technology, surface analysis, and applied optics, are equipped with advanced processing and measuring technology. These facilities allow for the characterization of properties related to photonic and optoelectronic structures, as well as PIC devices. In recent years, ILC has made significant strides in enhancing critical infrastructure through projects funded by the EU Structural Funds. Notable initiatives include the establishment of centres of excellence such as NANONET, NANONET 2, SMART, SMART II, INTELINSYS, and BIOFOTO. The research activities at ILC benefit from both domestic and international collaboration, including participation in EU projects under FP6, FP7, and H2020, as well as bilateral and multilateral cooperation schemes and support from domestic grant agencies.

Within 360 CARLA, SCSTI - ILC will organize a symposium, training, and experience within the “Health: Biotech and Medical photonics” and experiences within the “Quantum Technologies and communications” and “Manufacturing/Industry 4.0” verticals.

Vrije University of Brussels - VUB

VUB – Vrije Universiteit Brussel

The Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) is represented by the Brussels Photonics Team (B-PHOT) which is an international centre of excellence in the domain of optics and photonics and internationally recognized for its basic, strategic, applied and industrial research in these fields. The department hosts over 50 researchers whose R&D activities are coordinated by Prof. Hugo Thienpont. Academic staff and students alike have over 10 years of experience in Photonics outreach.

B-PHOT, VUB has built up a track record in outreach EU projects, such as in EXPEKT and PHABLABS 4.0 as coordinator and GoPhoton! as work package leader. B-PHOT also has vast experience in holding Photonics outreach events that reach a wide audience from the community. The team has initiated and conducted several successful activities such as the ‘Photonics Science Show’ (attended by 1500 secondary school students every year), the exhibition ‘Discover the power of Light’ (visited by more than 270 000 people in 4 months) as well as coordinated EU projects that resulted in the ‘NEMO Edukit’ and the Photonics Explorer (more than 3000 kits distributed among teachers in Europe). Furthermore during the GoPhoton project B-PHOT has developed the Photonics Innovator Kit as well as during the PHABLABS 4.0 project B-PHOT&EYEST further distribute the Photonics Toolkits for Workshops.

To stimulate and support innovative entrepreneurship in the domain of Photonics, B-PHOT also organizes the “Intensive Training on Entrepreneurship in Photonics” targeting researchers of universities and research institutes, young professionals, employees of Photonics-related companies etc. B-PHOT is founding member of ECOP, the European Center for Outreach in Photonics.

Within the 360 CARLA, VUB is leading the Work Package 5 “Liaison with Initiatives” and the “Health: Biotech and Medical Photonics” vertical. VUB will organize a symposium, training and experience within the “Health: Biotech and Medical Photonics” vertical, in Brussels.

Delft University of Technology – TUD

TUDelft – Delft University of Technology

The Delft University of Technology (TUDelft) is the largest technical university in the Netherlands covering the entire spectrum of engineering sciences It’s values: Diversity, Integrity, Respect, Engagement, Courage andTrust contribute to solving global challenges by educating new generations of socially responsible engineers and expanding the frontiers of the engineering sciences.

The Optica group focuses on pursuing high-level research of optical instrumentation and optical technology. Key areas are next-generation lithography, illumination via scattering, sub-wavelength optics and metrology, terahertz imaging and optical design. The group is led by Prof. Paul Urbach, former president of the European Optical Society (EOS), supported by 3 academic staff with 15 years’ experience in Photonics, and 4 part-time professors with connection to the Industry (ASML, TNO), SRON (Dutch Space Agency) and VSL (Dutch Metrology Institute).

The group has contributed to numerous outreach projects in Photonics (”NEMO Edukit”, “Photonics4all” and “Phablabs 4.0”). Strong relations were built with the Dutch Union of Physics Teachers, the Science Center of TUDelft, and representatives of School Union of the Netherlands. The group actively promotes the Photonics Explorer Kit and shares new ways to encourage kids/student to study photonics. The group led the FP7 Support Action European funded project for training European SME’s in optical design and continues with his partners and organises the biannual international conference Face2Phase addressing several 3D imaging methods.

Together with TNO, it is the initiator of the Dutch Optics Center (DOC) which connects people, companies and knowledge for joint innovations in photonics. It is closely related to the photonics cluster in the Netherlands PhotonicsNL, and co-organised the Dutch Photonics Event in Delft. The group is also connected to start-ups and to all major photonics companies through YesDelft!, the local incubator.

TUDelft is leading the Work Package 2 “360 CARLA trainings” and will organize a symposium, training, and experience within the “Manufacturing/Industry 4.0” vertical, a training and an experience within “Health: Biotech and Medical Photonics” and “Quantum Technologies & Communications” verticals, respectively, in the Netherlands.

Thanks to our connection, we will be able to invite leader in the industry and successful photonics start-ups. We will be able to reach many institutions and university and collect a high number of participants at various level of education.

PhotonicSweden - PS

PS – PhotonicSweden

PhotonicSweden (PS) is the Swedish Photonics Platform, a not for profit economic association founded in 2011. It currently counts around 110 individual and 50 company members including universities and research institutes.

PS catalyses fruitful cooperation between companies, universities, and institutes in the field of optics and photonics at national and international level.

PS aims at being the voice of the Swedish Photonics towards the Public, the Government and foreign organizations, and at increasing awareness on the strategic importance of optics and photonics for the future of Sweden. Additionally, PS contributes to a healthy regrowth of engineers in optics and photonics. PS is continuously increasing the collaboration between photonics stakeholders by organising events such as the “Optics and Photonics in Sweden”, a yearly conference with international participation from academia and industry. PS organises and contributes to events like Optopubs, open houses (research Friday), job days, matchmaking for job-seekers and companies, hands on experiment exhibitions and conferences. With this engagement, PhotonicSweden contributes to a better skill supply in the field of photonics.

Furthermore, PS is promoting funding possibilities for SMEs from the Smart Electronic System which is a Strategic Innovation Program from the funding agency Vinnova which is in place now for six years. PS has been active in setting up the SIP ECS at the end of 2014 before it was officially started in 2015. Together with the SIP ECS, PS is working to improve the skills supply in the area of photonics.

PS is arranging workshops for end-users for photonics and non-photonics industry and photonics experts exchange and other B2B meetings. PS has strong relations to other European Clusters and National Platforms through various EU projects as well as strong connections to Photonics21.

Within 360 CARLA, PS will co-lead the “Energy, Environment and Sustainability” vertical and will organize a symposium, training, and experience within it, in Sweden.

European Optical Society – EOS

European Optical Society – EOS

European Optical Society (EOS) is a non-profit organization that strives to promote the progress and applications of optics and related sciences across Europe and internationally.

As a central platform, EOS unites individuals, companies, educational institutions, and societies involved in these disciplines and their applications.

EOS was founded in 1991 by national optics and photonics societies. With a membership exceeding 4,000, which spans from Europe to around the globe, EOS fosters collaboration among a diverse community of those interested in optics and optoelectronics. The society's mission centers on encouraging cooperation, leveraging research for practical use, and supporting the industrial exploitation of optical technologies.

To achieve these goals, EOS actively organizes international conferences, training courses, exhibitions, and maintains relationships with other national and international societies sharing similar interests. Through these initiatives, EOS ensures that its members and the broader optics community stay at the forefront of scientific and technological advancements.

EOS is committed to advancing the understanding and appreciation of optics and photonics among new audiences. This commitment aligns perfectly with our participation in the CARLA consortium, where we aim to broaden the impact and reach of these vital scientific fields.

Within 360 CARLA, EOS will organize a symposium, training and experience within the “Manufacturing/Industry 4.0” vertical, in Grenoble, France.

Swiss Photonics – SwPh

SP – Swissphotonics

Swissphotonics is the only Swiss National Technology Platform for photonics. The association was started in 2006 and has now more than 180 paying members from industry, academy, RTOs and associations, as well as personal members. It is one of ten National Thematic Networks (NTNs) in Switzerland and focusses on photonics. The role of an NTN is to promote innovation by bringing the industry (especially SMEs) in contact with their corresponding research institutes through road mapping, workshops and special support. Switzerland knows bottom up matching funding schemes (Innosuisse) as well as a top down funding scheme (e.g. Swiss Federal Office for Energy or Horizon 2020) for innovation. Swissphotonics works with both schemes to promote innovation and to involve and support innovation at SMEs. Swissphotonics covers the whole area of Switzerland and has a basis in Zürich with antennas in Basel (CSEM) and Lausanne (EPFL). It also has liaisons to other Swiss Photonics organisations (SSOM, EOS) and local chapters (OptETH, EPFL Photonics Chapter or EPC). In addition, Swissphotonics is internationally networked through memberships in IOA, OIDA, and EPIC.

Swissphotonics has initiated and supports competence workgroups, so called “Swiss National Photonic Labs”. These Labs combine relevant and interested institutes for a specific topic. The labs work as single-entry point for the industry and help coordinating the activities of the different academic groups. For 360 CARLA, the WG dedicated to Photonics Education is especially relevant, as one very important theme is to adapt education to the needs of the industry. We also have started activities with the AM TTC Swiss-PIC to support Swiss component companies with the next integration level (Packaging to fiber), company business, and networking Quantum Photonics efforts.

Swissphotonics is leading Work Package 2 “Themed Career Symposiums” in the 360 CARLA project and will organize symposium, training and experience during the spring 2026 in the field of Energy, Environment and Sustainability, in Switzerland.

Photonics Finland – PFin

Photonics Finland – PFin

Photonics Finland is a technology cluster that drives forward the photonics industry and research in Finland by connecting Finnish photonics companies, universities, research institutes, experts, students, and public authorities. Photonics Finland has over 250 individual and 118 organizational members.

Photonics Finland supports the development of new business and research opportunities and helps realize the full potential of photonics in industry and society in Finland in sectors like health care, energy efficiency, safety, manufacturing, and sustainability. The cluster received the Bronze Label for Cluster Management Excellence in 2024.

Photonics Finland joined the 360CARLA partnership in 2024 to learn how to better create a connection between academy and industry and implement those changes in the most efficient manner.

Within 360 CARLA, PFin will organize a symposium, training, and experience in Oulu, within the “Health: Biotech and Medical Photonics” vertical and an experience within the “Energy, Environment and Sustainability” vertical.