CARLA team meets in Bratislava to share their views about the project and its future
November 3rd, 2022
After more than two years of solely online-meetings, the CARLA consortium partners met during the CARLA camp in Bratislava on the 13th of October.
It was a very fruitful day, that started with a recap of the different CARLA camps and capsules that had been organized until then, sharing the feedback and learnings that each camp had produced. All these learnings will be collected and integrated in the CARLA camp guidebook that is being developed by the project and that will be freely available to the photonics community to be able to replicate these successful career symposiums that the CARLA camps are becoming. The discussion continued with a short outlook on the last two camps that will happen within the EU Project CARLA in November (Lausanne) and December (Barcelona) 2022.
Given the very positive feedback received from participating students and researchers as well as academic and industry institutions, the team expressed the intention to keep running these CARLA camps across Europe to help strengthen the photonics European ecosystem by promoting careers in this growing field.
Stay tuned for more CARLA camps and capsules!