The Photonics Career Hub

Photonics improves the well-being of our world by exploiting the unique properties of light, which can be found at the core of daily products and technologies such as smartphones, laptops, the Internet, medical instruments, telecommunications, and lighting technology. Considered a Key Enabling Technology (KET) for Europe’s future prosperity by the European Commission, it is calculated that 20-30% of the entire economy and 10% of the workforce in Europe already depends on photonics technologies. Nevertheless, skill shortages in Europe are damaging the growth prospects of companies and the continent’s economy.
To support the growth, leadership and innovation potential in this area, Europe needs more well-prepared professionals. CARLA created a rigorous and tested instrument to address this need at the source.

CARLA built a pan-European career camp of excellence that was:
A strongly coordinated instrument
Designed with the input of all photonics stakeholders, including industry, academia, entrepreneurs, policymakers and HR and training experts as well as from the potential users (university students and early-stage researchers), using a “top-down, bottom-up” approach
Tested and assessed by different institutions and countries to ensure viability across Europe
Available to and replicable by the European photonics community
so that it
Boosted the numbers of students and early-stage researchers pursuing careers in photonics
Encouraged innovation and entrepreneurship
Empowered diversity in Photonics

For Whom
CARLA aimed at university students and early-stage researchers from photonics and non-photonics focused areas. It gave them a peek into the vast opportunities that the photonics careers landscape offers and provided them with a roadmap for better employability.

The Camps
CARLA teamed up with industry, academia, entrepreneurs, and experts to understand the needs of the photonics workforce and gain a top-down perspective on what a photonics career camp of excellence should include. At the same time, we worked with university and PhD students and early-stage postdocs to gain their bottom-up perspective to career camps. The format and content of the camps were created through joint work with all the stakeholders, paying special attention to empowering diversity.
CARLA has been actively promoting careers in photonics through 13 camps (standalone events) and 8 capsules (sessions within another event) that took place in 10 different countries. More than 2000 participants, 200 speakers, 250 academic institutions and 375 companies have participated in CARLA camps, making the project successful. Check the individual camps and capsule news and information:
See the CampsWho attended and why
STEM graduates - Undergraduates and Master’s students and Researchers
PhD students and early-stage postdocs in and outside photonics-focused research
Better understanding of the photonics market and technical landscape
Overview of the professional opportunities in photonics at the graduate level
Opportunity to network with industry, academia and early-stage researchers
Roadmap to better employability