
30 November, 2022

Capsule POLIMI Milan

Working in Photonics in the area around Milan

Date: 30 November, 2022 starting at 4:30 PM
Venue: Politecnico di Milano – campus Leonardo (details will be sent upon registration confirmation).

As part of the EU-project CARLA, the Photonics Career Hub, the Physics Department of Politecnico di Milano organized the event Working in Photonics in the area around Milan. The event aimed to provide an overview of companies and start-ups working in and with Photonics in the area around Milan and was addressed to bachelors, master students, PhD students and Post-docs.

Attendees were able to hear inspiring presentations providing a glimpse of career opportunities in Photonics and were able to network in a speed-date with Politecnico Alumni to discover the professional world around Photonics.

The language of the event was English and Italian.

Please find the program here.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact and