27-28 September, 2022
Camp IOGS Bordeaux
On the 27th and 28th of September 2022, Institut d’Optique (IOTA) will host an in-person CARLA camp on its premises of “Institut d’Optique d’Aquitaine” in Talence (Bordeaux), France, around careers in photonics.
The first day, held in French, is targeted mainly at Undergraduate students and will give an overview of the broad applications of photonics. It will also contain a networking session with companies and labs visits (full program here).
The second day, held in English, is targeted mainly at Graduate students and Postdocs and will include, amongst others, sessions on photonics in academia, in industry and in entrepreneurship, as well as a career development training (full program here).
Registrations for this event are now closed.