Third edition of CARLA camp Barcelona
December 16th, 2022

On Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd of December 2022 ICFO hosted a CARLA camp event, the Photonics Career Symposium! The event took place in person at ICFO in Castelldefels, Barcelona, and the first day talks and panels were streamed.
The camp targeted STEM undergraduates, that would like to learn about the photonics as a career as well as Master students, PhDs or Postdocs that are already involved in the photonics field or related areas and they would like to know about career opportunities in photonics either within academia, industry or something completely different!
During the two days we had 200 participants, including students, researchers and speakers, from 25 different countries and diverse background including physics, medicine, engineering or chemistry.
Speakers who joined our event with their insightful speeches were in academia, industry / start-up companies, as well as other types of organizations such as consulting companies or professional network initiatives.
Overall, the CARLA camp panels aimed at giving an overview of the vast career opportunities in photonics to university students and early-stage researchers (master, PhD, postdoc) from all STEM studies. The sessions the first day included panels focusing on academia, industry, entrepreneurship and more unknown career opportunities and initiatives in photonics. The second day focused on hands on workshops around innovation and career development, and gave the opportunity to attendees to visit ICFO laboratories. All sessions were held in English. Both days included a lot of in person networking opportunities with the speakers and participants in a casual atmosphere with food and beverages. The feedback we obtained was very positive and the attendees overwhelmingly stated that they had increased their knowledge of the options available within careers in photonics.
For more details of the CARLA camp at ICFO you can navigate in the webpage in the link here.
The project has received funding from the European Union´s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871457.